My opinions on controversial topics


The interruption of pregnancy or better known as abortion is an issue that concerns women every day and they are directly affected by not wanting to terminate their pregnancies for different reasons. My opinion on this topic is that regardless of the situation the person is in, no one should force someone who is not prepared to be a mother, everyone deserves to be desired children.


Currently, homosexual people or the majority of people in the lgbtiq+ community are daily discriminated against and despised for their sexual orientation or gender, causing poor self-esteem, depression and in the worst cases, death.

In my opinion, it seems horrible to me that in the 21st century, people continue to attack people just because of their preferences. This should end and be seriously punished because we are all equal and no one deserves to be treated less.


For some people, euthanasia may be considered a selfish decision or something very negative, but in my opinion it is something that goes beyond that.

Most of the time people think that living sick is a situation that can be endured despite everything when that is not the case. Beyond the ethical or religious is the situation in which the person wants to end his or her life due to some illnesses, such as chronic illnesses (that worsen over time) or terminal illnesses (terminally ill).

In my opinion the lives of these people are very sad, some of them live alone, they have to bear the costs of the treatments or mainly tend to be a family burden, so for these reasons they consider euthanasia a worthy way to end with the pain.


  1. I agree with you on the issue of euthanasia, and although it is painful for family members and closest beings, we must be empathetic with those who suffer, because they will suffer until their illness kills them, an example of this was the girl. Valentina Maureria (a young woman who asked President Michelle Bachellet herself to approve euthanasia).

  2. I agree with you on everything, homophobic people are harmful.


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